Apps and GitOps

Apps and GitOps #

Most of the time we use deploy to manage all of the apps and VMs. However, there are some apps that are not managed by deploy, such as depenedencies of deploy itself. These apps are managed using GitOps. This means that all apps are deployed using manifests stored in a GitHub repo, you can find the repo here. The repo is only accessible to system admins, so if you need access, ask a system admin to add you.

The repo uses templates to make it easier to setup, for example, NFS storage for persistent volumes. These template values are substituted with the correct values after the push to the repo. It is divided into clusters under apps, meaning that if you add a manifest to the sys folder, it will be deployed to the sys-cluster.

Please see the System Apps page for more information on how to add apps to the sys-cluster.

Configuration #

Behind the hood, it is Rancher that enables GitOps. Rancher uses a tool called Fleet to manage the GitOps. Rancher monitors changes in the apps folder under the artifacts branch deploys the manifests to the correct cluster. To edit the configuration, go to Rancher and click on Continuous Delivery in the left menu.