Stale resources

Understanding Stale Resources #

In kthcloud, resources such as deployments and virtual machines (VMs) are automatically disabled if their owners remain inactive for more than three months. This helps free up system resources from inactive loads.

However, some system applications must remain always active, even if their owner is inactive. This guide explains how administrators can prevent system applications from being disabled by the stale resource cleaner.

Preventing Automatic Disabling for System Apps #

Steps for Admins #

  1. Log in to kthcloud with an account that has admin privileges.
  2. Navigate to the resource’s edit page:
    • Find the deployment or VM that needs to remain always active.
    • Click on the Edit button (or pen if you are on the /deploy page).
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the edit page, right above the danger zone.
  4. Enable “Always Active” Mode:
    • Locate the “Always Active Option” switch.
    • Toggle the switch to on to ensure the resource remains active permanently. enabled always active switch
  5. Enable disabled resource: If the resource cleaner already disabled the resource, you need to re-enable it. This can be done by doing:
    • Update replicas from 0 to whatever non zero value you require, at the time of writing this there is a bug here that makes deployment not get re-enabled by just changing back replicas, so you will also need to update another spec, such as cores or ram for the replica change to take effect. You can change it back after it has started.

What Happens Next? #

Once the “Always Active” option is enabled, the stale resource cleaner worker in go-deploy will ignore this resource, preventing it from being disabled due to inactivity.